Ruby Glow Bouquet in a Vase
This stunning bouquet arrangement is supplied in a vase so it is really easy for the recipient to enjoy immediately. Originally devised as a gift for a Ruby wedding anniversary it makes a suitable gift at any time of year.
We combined the soft grey green of Eucalyptus foliage with deep burgundy Leucodendron, Alstromeria and Dianthus and livened it up with some lime green Alchemilla mollis. Introducing some peach toned Roses, Lisianthus and soft pink Astilbe with a few white Astrantia gives the whole bouquet a light country feel.
There are lots of other items we could add including scented Lilies or Freesias, so if you have a preference then please just let us know and we'll add them in. Occasionally there are some items which are not available due to seasonal variations or quality issues, but rest assured we will always do our best to get the same general effect and always offer superb value for money.
Please telephone to order.
Price : from £40.00